Kamis, 25 November 2010
Nokia N8 vs iPhone 4G
Who does not know the Iphone and Nokia, both of which are brand names that continue to compete in seizing the high-end smartphone market. Almost at the same time Apple released the iPhone 4G while Nokia released a new mobile phone is the Nokia N8. Both represent the latest smart phone with features - advanced features.
Starting from a model that carried both of them do not provide nearly the same QWERTY keyboard, access to the phone directly through the display screen which are both capacitive touchscreen technology to adapt the means to access the screen enough with our fingers. But for the quality of the Nokia screen sharpness using AMOLED technology used by Samsung smart phone, but the iPhone screen using a technology that is claimed for the current best known by experts as a technology IPhone "Retina Display". Viewing the embedded camera also has a difference if the Nokia N8 has a camera with Carl Zeiss lens with a resolution of 12 megapixel camera on the iPhone 4G while having only a 5-megapixel resolution, but for the quality of images produced both good but difficult to distinguish clearly to users of the Nokia N8 can print image with a larger size without fear for blurry because the camera has a resolution greater than the iPhone 4G. For quality video record both phones are the same - the same support quality high definition (HD), the best video recording quality for a GSM cell phone today.
As for the hardware used by the CPU iPhone 4G dibesut of Apple's powerful 1 GHz SoC A4 and up to 512 Mb RAM memory so the speed and multitasking support is clearly more than the Nokia N8 which only has a 680 Mhz ARM CPU 256 Mb RAM memory following. Although the Nokia claims that the Nokia N8 very fast, but apply the rule that the greater the ability of the processor, of course, the faster the performance of the mobile phone. Speaking of smart phones can not be separated from its Internet network connection capability, the Nokia N8 already supports 3G high-speed internet networks - up to 10.2 Mbps HSDPA while for the iPhone 4G also supports 3G networks - HSDPA which only has the ability to download data 7.2 Mbps, although for now there has been existing operators in Indonesia are able to provide the network with a speed of 10.2 Mbps for the future but obviously Nokia N8 more optimal in this regard. And for the browser Nokia N8 been able to display flash animation and YouTube video with a good while for the iPhone 4G has a browser can not display YouTube videos that much-loved by the netters. Apart from some such comparison, respectively - each have their own fans. But for the moment obviously the iPhone has more fans. It is characterized by the 4G iPhone sales figures up to millions at the opening of the then compare it with Nokia products that have not been as high as iPhone sales exceeded, we wait N8 sales figures are expected to slide this year's third quarter.
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